Our Story

What is Kokoro? — It is a Japanese word that means to merge the mind, body and spirit into action. There is no literal translation in the English language for this word. Keep reading… I would love to share why this word went from a personal philosophy to the name of my company.

Hao and Rue, two of my clients in 2017 — I found them through a fitness app that helped people find coaches, trainers, and professionals of all types (depending on what you were looking for). They were seeking help with their nutrition and training so we got connected, met for coffee, discussed goals and expectations, and began right away. I was honored that they chose a stranger to help them with their goals and very excited to work with them and learn from them. 

People in general fascinate me but I am a lover of different cultures and backgrounds — nothing gives me more joy than to learn from people that are different than me (most of the time you find more commonalities than differences). 

Hao, Rue, and I worked together for several months… Over those months we became friends and, like I knew I would, I learned just as much from them as they learned from me. They helped me dream for myself, my business, and my future- they were inspiring and encouraging. One day, Hao asked me why I have so many jobs and why I don’t do health and fitness full-time… that was a great question but it also shocked me… from there we began to talk and they asked me more questions about what I love, why I like helping people, and what my vision for nutrition, training, and recovery was. They asked what about my vision and philosophy would make me stand apart from the rest of the thousands of “coaches” on social media and all over the internet. This is where it began… I started explaining in a very “swirly” and free-spirited “Lexy” way… Hao stopped me and began to explain that there is something called “Kokoro” in all martial arts disciplines. He went on to explain that when he trained several years ago his coach explained the difference between just striking/making the next martial art move and how when you “merge the mind, body and spirit” into your next movement it becomes powerful and it is more intentional — the action is whole and done with your whole self, not just your arm or leg making the action. THIS. WAS. IT... KOKORO. 

In that moment cultures were merged, words became more powerful, ideas were complete, and a fire was lit. It was one of the coolest moments. In the following weeks I lay awake in my bed every night journaling, taking notes, researching the word etc. I couldn't find the idea or concept anywhere in english, or any other languages. This was when I knew I wanted to use “Kokoro” as the foundation of my business, I knew that no matter what I would be doing in the health and fitness realm that it was imperative that it was built from Kokoro.

This was the beginning of what I would know to be the mission of the rest of my life… “helping people merge their mind, body and spirit into action.” 

I am a firm believer in connection and that everything blends together, I don’t believe in coincidences but that there is a reason for everything. 

As you have read, Kokoro is so much more than just a word but a way to do things, a mission statement and a story that goes beyond myself. I hope that reading this story you have become more inspired to live in a three-dimensional way because we are more than our actions or our thoughts but it is all connected. 

No matter what your goal is or what your background is I hope to work with you in order to help you achieve your goals in a new and intentional way.